On Thursday, we headed to South Dakota as we do every year at this time. On our way to Grandma and Grandpa's house, we stopped and had supper with Uncle Sean and Hilary. The timing worked out perfectly because Punky and Buddy were getting antsy after being in the car for 4 hours. They were not very well behaved at the restaurant but it was a noisy place anyway. Punky ate about 4 bowls of popcorn and none of her supper. Next time we'll be sure to not sit right next to the popcorn machine.
An hour later, we got to Grandpa and Grandma's house. It was already past their regular bedtime, but Punky and Buddy were so happy to see Grandpa and Grandma. We spent some quality time together before heading to bed two hours late.
The next morning, Derek and Grandpa Max planned to head to the Black Hills around noon. So we all spent the morning enjoying the farm. I didn't grow up on a farm. In fact, I would consider myself a city girl. I honestly don't know if I'd be able to survive without a
Target Chipotle within a 10 mile radius. But, I love spending time on the farm. It is peaceful and nothing beats spending time outdoors in the fresh air.
We took a walk down the dirt road. We visited the cows in the pasture. I am sure Buddy would've jumped the fence if we wouldn't have been holding him down. We walked through the woods, looked at the old buildings on Grandpa and Grandma's property, and played in the leaves. The farmer that works on Grandpa's land was out in the tractor. He stopped to say Hello and offered to give Punky a ride.
After Daddy and Grandpa left, we headed to town. We visited Great-Grandma Raynie, did some shopping and went out to dinner. The next day we had big plans to head to my hometown to visit the new Children's Museum.
There were so many fun things to remember about the Children's Museum. Grandma and I stayed busy chasing after Punky and Buddy. They had so much fun at each exhibit. Punky said her favorite part was "fixing the car" but I think it was the grocery store. Buddy's favorite part was probably the water room.
Changing a tire |
Grocery Shopping |
Future Stock Boy? |
Paying |
Milking a wooden cow |
Taking a break to read his favorite book.
We seriously read this book multiple times EVERY day. |
Playing in the water |
Creating a marble painting |
Today Punky was feeling under the weather. She didn't eat anything all day, asked for a nap at 11, and threw up a few times. She asked to go to sleep at 6. Of course, she will NOT take any meds, so the poor little girl is still feeling yucky. Buddy has been himself today (a.k.a. getting into everything!). We were able to spend a little time outside today, but generally it has been pretty low key.
Tomorrow Derek and Grandpa are due back in the afternoon and we will leave around supper time.
Years ago, our girl's weekends were spent shopping, shopping and shopping. Eventhough our activities are more kid-centered now, I had a lot of fun this year. The kids were fairly well behaved and enjoyed spending time at Grandma's house. Our schedules weren't thrown way off, and both kids slept well, so that meant that I got a little break and some time to relax myself. I couldn't ask for more!