Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Lake

Every year Grandma and Grandpa rent a cabin at a resort up north for a week.  We usually join them on their vacation towards the end of the week.  We had the most beautiful weather- not too cold, not too windy, no rain, sunny.  It was absolutely perfect. 

Punky and Buddy had a lot of fun swimming, building sand castles, going to the playground, fishing and playing with Grandma and Grandpa.

I told myself that I was not going to worry about sticking to the kids' schedules.  Overall, we had very few tantrums and only one potty accident.  Pretty good considering Punky spent 4 days in the sun with no nap! 

Punky had so much fun.  I think she was convinced that the resort was Grandma and Grandpa's new house.  She is going to be pretty disappointed next time we travel to CC!   

Sunday, July 24, 2011


We went to visit Auntie Shannon, Uncle Nate and cousins Abby and Leah this week.  Daddy was running in the Warrior Dash on Saturday morning, so we thought we'd take advantage and leave town.  Daddy also got in a round of golf, so I don't think he was too lonely without us. 

We didn't have a lot planned for the few days we were there.  Abby was busy working (almost 10 hours a day!) and going to driver's ed.  So, she only had Friday afternoon to spend with us.  Punky went with Auntie and Leah to pick her up from work (Buddy napped while I worked on the computer).  Since Abby only had a few hours with us, we decided Abby could pick what we all did.  When Lauren saw Abby, she said, "Abby, you get to choose!  You get to choose swimming first!"  So... we all went swimming! 

For the last year, we have heard how excited Leah was to bring Punky on the Lazy River. 
Now, I am not so sure who was more excited Auntie or Leah. 

Buddy loved crawling around in the shallow end.
He was very mad when we wouldn't let him crawl up the stairs of the waterslide.

Later that night, an ice cream truck drove down the street!

Saturday morning, Leah was supposed to compete in a kids triathalon.  We showed up for the 8:30 start time, only to find it had been postponed because of the rain/lightning/thunder.  We waited around for a few hours, and they kept pushing the start time back.  We finally left at 11 because the rain had not stopped.  It would've been fun to see Leah complete the triathalon... maybe next year!

Saturday morning Punky woke up with a fever.  She didn't eat much all day.  Sunday, she spent the day in her jammies on the couch.  We can not get her to take any medicine!  We've tried cherry, grape, liquid and chewable.  She goes hysterical every time we mention medicine to her.  I hope the fever breaks soon!  We have big plans for this week too.   

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dear Buddy,

Dear Buddy,

We need to have a talk.  The messes have got to stop.  I cannot keep up with you.  You love to get into everything.  You consider anything fair game.  Your daddy has done extra baby-proofing around the house that we never needed with your sister.  And it still isn't enough.  You are teaching your sister bad habits.  She has started to dump baskets and bins out and watch all the toys scatter across the floor.  I know she learned that from watching you!  Upstairs, you love to empty out my bathroom drawer, sort through my shoes, and pull all of the books off the shelf.  You also found Daddy's penny jar this week.  (Daddy when you read this, we need to find a new place for your change before Buddy ends up swallowing them.)  Downstairs, your favorite thing is to empty out Punky's play refrigerator.  There are about 50 pieces of food all over the floor within 10 seconds of you being let loose.  You would prefer to empty out the real kitchen cupboards, but I do my best to keep you out of there.  Another favorite is to completely empty the cabinet under the TV, which by the way takes me over 10 minutes to put everything back in its place.  Can you imagine the messes you make while I am trying to do that?  I cannot keep up with you anymore and you aren't even walking yet.  I have partially surrendered to you and have decided to only pick up toys before nap time, before Daddy comes home from work and before bedtime.  It helps some, but I can feel myself become a crabby mommy.  I don't want to be angry, but the messes just stress me out.  I laughed at myself today when I threatened you, at only 10 months old, with a timeout.  Please, Buddy, can some of my neatness and organizational skills rub off on you before too long?  Your teenage years are going to be terrible if we don't get this straightened out soon (pun intended).

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Canceled Plans

We originally had a big camping trip planned for this weekend with our good friends (Buddy's godparents).  We started our camping tradition with Tom and Hillari about 4 years ago.  On our first trip, we went "real" camping where we had to hike 5 miles into the site.  For one reason or another, we have not been able to go the last 2 years.  But, we were planning to go this year with 3 kids (and another on the way!).  Unfortunately, the government shutdown spoiled our plans.  On the other hand, the temps were over 100 this weekend and it was so humid, we would have had a terrible time.  Regardless, we'll go try again next year.

We spent the day with our friends at the park.  We met in the morning and played at the new playground. 

We had a picnic lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon at the beach.

Buddy fell asleep right when we got to the beach. 
He slept on the shore while we swam nearby. 

On Sunday, Punky made a #2 in the potty.  She got to pick out her very own Littlest Pet Shop, just like her cousin's.  We were so proud of her.  Hopefully, we made a big enough deal out of it and she'll keep on doing it. 


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Old Friends, New Babies

Last night we had some friends over for a BBQ.  Our friend, Sarah, moved to Texas after we graduated from college and she was back visiting her family.  Sarah and her two boys, Nate (2.5 years old) and Hudson (2 months old), came over around lunch time and spent the day with us.  The kids did not rest for one second.  They were having so much fun! 

Missy, Ben and Emily (1.5) and Kim, Dave and Owen (3 months) came over after work.  Derek grilled and we all chatted the best we could.  The kids were all so wound up and wild!  It was so crazy with 6 kids!  How do the Duggars do it?!? 

The four of us lived on the 3rd floor of T-Hall right in a row (Me in the corner, then Sarah, then Missy and then Kim).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend in SD

We typically are in SD the weekend after the 4th to go to the Arts Festival.  I can only remember missing the Arts Festival one other time in my entire life.  But, since my parents moved two years ago and my sister moved last year, we decided not to go.  I missed the taco bags and donuts, but they will taste that much better next year! 

We did still travel to SD to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa.  Derek took Friday off, so we were able to get there at a good time.  After supper, we went to see the Dam.  The waves against the dam were bigger than I have ever seen in the ocean!  It was crazy! 

Saturday was a beautiful day.  We spent a lot of time outside.  We went on walks, picked mulberries, went swimming and played with bubbles.  Derek helped Grandpa around the farm. 

I am sure Grandma and Grandpa won't admit it, but Punky and Buddy were terrors this weekend!  Buddy was into EVERYTHING!  Every cupboard door was opened and emptied... We kept a closer eye on him after he broke one of Grandma's china teacups.  Punky was crabby off and on all weekend.  They both did not sit still at all during church.  I think they acted up so that Grandma and Grandpa wouldn't be too sad when they had to leave on Sunday afternoon.  And to top it off, Punky got sick in the car about 20 miles from home.  We had a great weekend in SD though, so hopefully Grandma and Grandpa will invite us back! 


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Melt my Heart

During our 2 hour drive this weekend, Punky and Buddy spent a lot of time talking, laughing and playing with each other.  At one point, I looked back and they were holding hands.

This makes all the tantrums, dirty diapers, and sleepless nights worth it. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays.  If there were presents, it'd be better than Christmas.  We always go to Derek's hometown to celebrate.  This was my 13th year there.  That sure makes me feel old...

Anyway, I love the 4th because of all the traditions.  The street dance... the parade... seeing family and friends... THE FOOD (I seriously eat way more than during Thanksgiving or Christmas)...  the fireworks... 


We were so lucky to have beautiful weather the entire weekend.  We spent a lot of time outside.  The little kids swam in the pool and the big kids played Ladder Ball and drank beers.  Auntie Amber, Ryan, Uncle Sean and Hilary all made it home for the weekend.     

We shot off our own fireworks (lame MN legal ones).  Punky thought that were pretty cool and Buddy was a little scared.  We watched the big fireworks display at the casino (we had to miss Grandpa's though).  We saw the entire family- all four great-grandparents and the great-aunts, great-uncles and second cousins.  

It was another great weekend.  I am so happy that we get to share these traditions with Punky and Buddy.  I hope they enjoy the 4th as much as I do!