Friday, September 30, 2011
Buddy's First Word
This morning was one of those moments that I never want to forget. It was one of those times that makes me feel so happy and proud of our children. As I was getting the kids ready this morning, I asked Buddy if he wanted to go bye-bye. He, clear as day, answered to me, "Yessssh". Punky and I spent the rest of the morning asking Buddy questions and getting him to repeat "Yessssh" over and over again. I won't lie, he made me so proud, I had tears in my eyes.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Apple Orchard
Instead of our regular Monday morning playdate with our friends, we went to the apple orchard this morning.
There was lots to do there. We saw animals (turkeys, chickens, and goats). Buddy went right up to the cage and patted a goat on the butt before I could even stop him. I had to hold him after that because I was afraid the turkeys would peck his little fingers. The girls had so much fun with the school bus, truck, slide and maze. We finished up with a hay ride and lunch in the cafe. It was a fun morning!
Fall is my favorite time of the year. Sunny, crisp air, slightly breezy, jeans, light sweater, perfect! I wish we could have two or three more months like this. I hope it lasts for a few more weeks anyway, we have a few more trips to the orchard scheduled!
There was lots to do there. We saw animals (turkeys, chickens, and goats). Buddy went right up to the cage and patted a goat on the butt before I could even stop him. I had to hold him after that because I was afraid the turkeys would peck his little fingers. The girls had so much fun with the school bus, truck, slide and maze. We finished up with a hay ride and lunch in the cafe. It was a fun morning!
Fall is my favorite time of the year. Sunny, crisp air, slightly breezy, jeans, light sweater, perfect! I wish we could have two or three more months like this. I hope it lasts for a few more weeks anyway, we have a few more trips to the orchard scheduled!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Little Helpers
One of the toughest times of my day is supper time. I have never been much of a cook, but after staying at home for the last 2.5 years, I can say I am getting the hang of it. The past few weeks though have been much harder. Punky and Buddy always want to help.
5 o'clock is Buddy's clingy/crabby time of day. It always has been. Even as an infant, I had to put him in the Bjorn or Moby because he just wanted to be held. It hasn't changed. It is very difficult to hold a one year while cooking with a hot oven or stove. I've tried to give him a snack or find something for him to play with, but I usually end up having to hold him or listen to him whining while he's attached to my knees. And when he's in a good mood, he is usually emptying the cupboards.
Punky loves to help. She always asked if she can help with the "gredients". I try my best to find something for her to pour or mix. But, it is difficult because you never know how big of a mess there will be.
I know it would be a lot easier if I just popped in a DVD and got the kids out of my hair for 30 minutes so I could make supper. But, I hope by letting them help me in the kitchen, they will think their mommy is fun, enjoy eating the things they helped cook, and maybe even pick up a few kitchen skills.
5 o'clock is Buddy's clingy/crabby time of day. It always has been. Even as an infant, I had to put him in the Bjorn or Moby because he just wanted to be held. It hasn't changed. It is very difficult to hold a one year while cooking with a hot oven or stove. I've tried to give him a snack or find something for him to play with, but I usually end up having to hold him or listen to him whining while he's attached to my knees. And when he's in a good mood, he is usually emptying the cupboards.
Punky loves to help. She always asked if she can help with the "gredients". I try my best to find something for her to pour or mix. But, it is difficult because you never know how big of a mess there will be.
I know it would be a lot easier if I just popped in a DVD and got the kids out of my hair for 30 minutes so I could make supper. But, I hope by letting them help me in the kitchen, they will think their mommy is fun, enjoy eating the things they helped cook, and maybe even pick up a few kitchen skills.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Made with Love
Today was the first day of the season that we remembered to had to wear jackets. Punky was so proud to show off her new poncho. As soon as I put it on her this morning, she shouted, "I will show it to the librarian!" And, of course, she had to tell the librarian that her grandma made it for her. She continued to show it off to the neighbor kids this afternoon too. She got lots of compliments, thanks Grandma!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Summertime Fun
With temperatures dropping and autumn right around the corner, we figured this week would be our last chance at some summertime fun. Typically once or twice a week, we have met up with our best friends in MG for a fun morning at the playground followed by a picnic.
Last year at this time, I was feeling pretty down because we had just finished a great summer and I didn't think I'd ever have another one like it (I think I was a little overwhelmed having two kids under two). But, I think this summer was just as great! By the beginning of summer, I had figured out the two kids thing (for the most part). We spent tons of time with our best friends, the MG twins and even met a new friend, Miss E. All three girls have all become such great friends. We had so much fun going to parks, having picnics, and dancing at the "Green Town". Punky looks forward to every time we get to see the girls. The girls have all developed a "big sister" instinct with Buddy. They love to push his stroller, hold his hand and share toys with him. We are all so fortunate to have met such great friends who live so close.
All four girls on the swing! |
Each girl took a turn going down the slide with Buddy. Even so, it took three mommies to assist. One at the top, one at the bottom, and one behind the camera. |
(L to R) Little Bird and Little Pie (the MG Twins), Miss E, and Punky |
Last year at this time, I was feeling pretty down because we had just finished a great summer and I didn't think I'd ever have another one like it (I think I was a little overwhelmed having two kids under two). But, I think this summer was just as great! By the beginning of summer, I had figured out the two kids thing (for the most part). We spent tons of time with our best friends, the MG twins and even met a new friend, Miss E. All three girls have all become such great friends. We had so much fun going to parks, having picnics, and dancing at the "Green Town". Punky looks forward to every time we get to see the girls. The girls have all developed a "big sister" instinct with Buddy. They love to push his stroller, hold his hand and share toys with him. We are all so fortunate to have met such great friends who live so close.
Just for fun! Punky and the MG twins. August 2010- They were practically babies! |
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Buddy's Birthday Party
It was another fun weekend. We celebrated Buddy's 1st birthday with our family and friends. Thank you to everyone who came!
Both Buddy and Punky have been enjoying all the new toys that we received. I am now searching for more storage ideas and am having a great time reorganizing their toys and closets (Is that weird?).
Buddy loved his party hat! I took it off him while he was eating and he started whining. He reached for his hat and I put it back on him. He immediately smiled and scrunched his nose. |
Buddy enjoyed his birthday cake. He wasn't nearly as messy as I had expected though. |
Both Buddy and Punky have been enjoying all the new toys that we received. I am now searching for more storage ideas and am having a great time reorganizing their toys and closets (Is that weird?).
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Birthday Boy
Dear Buddy,
You turn one today. Boy oh boy has the last year has flown by. Daddy and I have been reminiscing about your birth tonight. It seems like yesterday, but at the same time, it is hard to remember there was ever a time before you. I remember so vividly your daddy shouting "It's a Colin" the moment you were born. I was not expecting a little boy, but I am so glad that I have been blessed with you.
So, what are you up to at one year old?
You have been walking for about two weeks. This weekend you were pivoting, turning and walking over obstacles like a pro.
You are a great eater. You prefer to feed yourself. We have stopped giving you baby food as we had to sneak it into your mouth as you were giving yourself regular people food. You are only nursing one time per day right when you wake up in the morning. You are drinking cow's milk from a bottle. We are working on not having to warm it up (you are a coffee drinker). And then we will work on drinking from the sippy cup (you can do it with water, why not milk?).
You are a good sleeper. We put you to sleep awake at about 8. You fall asleep easily, unless your sister tries to jump in your crib. You wake about 6:30 and will sometimes go back to sleep until 8. You probably would prefer to have 2 naps, but we are busy and out of the house most mornings. So you usually take one long nap from 1 to 4.
You don't talk much yet. Just this past weekend you have started to find your voice, but it is all pretty much simple gibberish like "aah" and "maa maa". You can wave and do the baby signs for "more" and "all done".
You don't have many favorite toys at this point. Although, your favorite thing to do is rummage through your basket, empty out all the cupboards and just plain make messes. You do like it when we sing songs to you. I think your sister has sang "Happy Birthday" to you about ten times today, and you've smiled so big each time.
You have quite the personality. You are a flirt. I love it when you scrunch up your nose and smile.
You are the best little boy I could ever ask for.
I love you,
So, what are you up to at one year old?
You have been walking for about two weeks. This weekend you were pivoting, turning and walking over obstacles like a pro.
You are a great eater. You prefer to feed yourself. We have stopped giving you baby food as we had to sneak it into your mouth as you were giving yourself regular people food. You are only nursing one time per day right when you wake up in the morning. You are drinking cow's milk from a bottle. We are working on not having to warm it up (you are a coffee drinker). And then we will work on drinking from the sippy cup (you can do it with water, why not milk?).
You are a good sleeper. We put you to sleep awake at about 8. You fall asleep easily, unless your sister tries to jump in your crib. You wake about 6:30 and will sometimes go back to sleep until 8. You probably would prefer to have 2 naps, but we are busy and out of the house most mornings. So you usually take one long nap from 1 to 4.
You don't talk much yet. Just this past weekend you have started to find your voice, but it is all pretty much simple gibberish like "aah" and "maa maa". You can wave and do the baby signs for "more" and "all done".
You don't have many favorite toys at this point. Although, your favorite thing to do is rummage through your basket, empty out all the cupboards and just plain make messes. You do like it when we sing songs to you. I think your sister has sang "Happy Birthday" to you about ten times today, and you've smiled so big each time.
You have quite the personality. You are a flirt. I love it when you scrunch up your nose and smile.
You are the best little boy I could ever ask for.
I love you,
Monday, September 5, 2011
Flower Girl
Auntie Amber and Uncle Ryan were married this weekend. It was a good day! The weather was perfect. The ceremony was beautiful. And the reception was so much fun!
I was the matron of honor. Daddy was an usher and a reader. Punky was the flower girl. And although Buddy didn't have a specific role, he rocked the day in his neck tie.
Punky did so good as flower girl. We were pretty sure she wouldn't be nervous, as she is the most outgoing 2 year old I know. (She seriously walks up to random people at Target and says, "Hi, my name is Punky. This is my brother, Buddy. What is your name?") But, in the end, there really is no way you can predict what a 2 year old is going to do at any given time. She did melt down towards the end of the family pictures, but she got over her no-nap-in-3-weeks mood pretty quickly.
Punky and Ryan's nephew walked down the aisle together. They were so cute! Ryan's nephew is pretty much the opposite of Punky. He was very shy. Punky was maybe a little too excited and maybe we talked Ryan's nephew up too much. But, oh boy, she would not leave him alone! Within minutes, she was hugging him, rubbing his back and pretty much planning their own wedding. After they got to the altar, Punky did not want to go sit down with Grandma and Grandpa. So, she ended up standing next to me for the first 10 minutes of the ceremony. She was sooo close to knocking the unity candle over, but I was prepared to stop her. Finally, Grandma Debbie waved her Flower Girl Sticker Book high enough for her to notice and Punky quietly slipped down the altar steps and into the pew.
We all had a great time at the reception. I don't think the kids ate too much, but I heard Punky had two pieces of cake and made multiple trips to the candy bar. Buddy was asleep before the dance started. Punky made tons of friends on the dance floor. She enjoyed dancing to the Chicken Dance, the Hokey Pokey and many other songs. Daddy was bringing our bags up to our room and missed the Chicken Dance. He was very sad. Punky stayed up close to 10pm. I had to grab her off the dance floor and run upstairs to the hotel room. The whole way upstairs she was crying, "One more song" and "Two more dances". I think she was probably asleep 5 minutes after getting her pjs on though. She was tired. Thank you Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Max for coming to the wedding and staying at the hotel with the kids. It made everything so much easier!
I did not get to take as many photos as I would have liked. I will make sure to post more as I get them from family and friends.
I was the matron of honor. Daddy was an usher and a reader. Punky was the flower girl. And although Buddy didn't have a specific role, he rocked the day in his neck tie.
Punky did so good as flower girl. We were pretty sure she wouldn't be nervous, as she is the most outgoing 2 year old I know. (She seriously walks up to random people at Target and says, "Hi, my name is Punky. This is my brother, Buddy. What is your name?") But, in the end, there really is no way you can predict what a 2 year old is going to do at any given time. She did melt down towards the end of the family pictures, but she got over her no-nap-in-3-weeks mood pretty quickly.
Punky and Ryan's nephew walked down the aisle together. They were so cute! Ryan's nephew is pretty much the opposite of Punky. He was very shy. Punky was maybe a little too excited and maybe we talked Ryan's nephew up too much. But, oh boy, she would not leave him alone! Within minutes, she was hugging him, rubbing his back and pretty much planning their own wedding. After they got to the altar, Punky did not want to go sit down with Grandma and Grandpa. So, she ended up standing next to me for the first 10 minutes of the ceremony. She was sooo close to knocking the unity candle over, but I was prepared to stop her. Finally, Grandma Debbie waved her Flower Girl Sticker Book high enough for her to notice and Punky quietly slipped down the altar steps and into the pew.
We all had a great time at the reception. I don't think the kids ate too much, but I heard Punky had two pieces of cake and made multiple trips to the candy bar. Buddy was asleep before the dance started. Punky made tons of friends on the dance floor. She enjoyed dancing to the Chicken Dance, the Hokey Pokey and many other songs. Daddy was bringing our bags up to our room and missed the Chicken Dance. He was very sad. Punky stayed up close to 10pm. I had to grab her off the dance floor and run upstairs to the hotel room. The whole way upstairs she was crying, "One more song" and "Two more dances". I think she was probably asleep 5 minutes after getting her pjs on though. She was tired. Thank you Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Max for coming to the wedding and staying at the hotel with the kids. It made everything so much easier!
I did not get to take as many photos as I would have liked. I will make sure to post more as I get them from family and friends.
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