Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


This year was a bit different than other years.  Because last year was so hectic traveling to both grandparents in 3 days, we decided to split up the holidays.  We spent 4 days over Christmas with Derek's family and we will spend 4 days over New Year's with my family. 

We woke up on Friday morning and had our own little family Christmas celebration.  We made cinnamon rolls and bacon (Derek and I have named 2011 "the year of bacon" because we discovered our love of the yummy breakfast meat).  We opened presents from each other and Santa.  Derek surprised me with a new DSLR camera that I've been wanting!  Now I need to figure out how to work the thing, but I am so excited to start a new hobby.  We didn't overdo it with presents for the kids this year.  Both kids got a book, pajamas, one toy, and one thing they needed.  I am glad we did this, and I hope we can continue this tradition as they get older. 

That afternoon, we headed to Derek's parent's house.  We spent Christmas Eve at Derek's grandparent's house.  Punky, Buddy and I sat in the kitchen and no one noticed that we didn't eat any lutefisk.  It was a late night, but both kids did a good job staying up way passed their bedtimes.  Buddy was a whirlwind during the gift opening.  Once he figured out how to open presents, he didn't want to stop tearing the wrapping paper.

Reading a story with Great-Great Grandma Irene

Sitting on Great Uncle Randy's lap.  We usually draw names for the gift opening, but Punky INSISTED on getting "Rrraaandy"a Christmas present while out shopping with Derek.  She was so excited to give it to him!
On Christmas Day, the kids actually slept in (Buddy and I woke up at 9:15).  So late, in fact, that we missed church.  We ate our traditional breakfast (turnovers) and opened presents again.  Punky and Buddy were spoiled very well.  We spent the rest of the day in our pjs. 

It was a great weekend and a fun time spent at Grandma and Grandpa's.  We are now trying to unpack, organize the house and recuperate all while preparing for another fun Christmas celebration this weekend! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sunday School Christmas Concert- Update

Punky's BFFs' mama was able to get a little video of the girls singing at their Christmas program.  Head on over to their blog to check it out!   

Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Christmas Traditions

Years ago before we were even married, I remember going to the Holidazzle Parade and dreaming about how we would some day take our own kids downtown to visit the Macy's 8th floor display, go to the parade and have supper at Brit's.  This weekend I got to fulfill part of that dream, and it didn't disappoint.  We bundled up, headed downtown, and got to the parade route about 5 minutes before the start.

 Punky had so much fun and was SO EXCITED!  She would grab my cheeks, turn my head towards the next float, and squeal with delight.  She showered me with kisses in between floats, she was so excited to be there!  It didn't take too long for the people in the crowd to tell us to sneak in front of them.  Buddy was very antsy and probably a little too young to be out in the cold, so he and Daddy stayed in the back row.  Maybe in a few years when both kids are older, we'll be able to make a whole day of it and do the Macy's Christmas display and dinner.

On Sunday, Punky (and forty-some other preschoolers) sang Christmas songs during church.  We didn't get to church early enough to sit up front (what's new?), but I did sneak up front while they were singing to get a few photos (yes, I was THAT mom).  I honestly don't even remember what songs they sang (it wasn't jingle bells, or any of the traditional songs).  And we couldn't see too well, so I don't know how much Punky actually sang.  She was still cute though!

Punky and her BFFs, S & E. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cookies for Santa

Last weekend we had our first Christmas celebration.  Buddy was the first to open his present, and since it is the first time he's done this, he was pretty confused at first.  It didn't take long for him to figure out what was going on though. 

Not quite sure what to do...

Playing Candy Land with her 2nd cousins
A few years ago, we started a new tradition with Auntie Amber and made tons of Christmas cookies.  We switched it up this year and made them at Grandma and Grandpa's house so everyone could participate.  I think we made three batches of spritz, two batches of peanut blossoms, and one batch of ginger ball cookies, coconut almond cookies, rolo pretzel treats, and almond bark pretzels.  I love family traditions like this!


Friday, December 9, 2011

Don't Want to Forget This...

A few days ago, I bought Punky and Buddy some little wind-up toys that do back flips.  Punky picked out a pink bunny and then she chose a brown kangaroo for Buddy.

This morning, I walked downstairs and heard Punky say, "Where is my flippin' bunny?"  I couldn't stop laughing!  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

We decorated our Christmas tree this afternoon after Punky woke up from her "nap".  Luckily, Buddy took an extra long nap today, I don't know how we would've been able to do it with him in the mix.  We only used non-breakable ornaments and didn't hang them on the bottom half of the tree.  Punky was pretty upset that we had to leave all the beautiful ornaments and balls in the boxes.  I am half expecting the tree to get pulled over, so we'll see how that goes. 

We started the Elf on the Shelf tradition today too.  Punky could not think of a name for the elf, so Daddy named him Gimli (after a character in the Lord of Rings).  After nap, Gimli was perched on the dining room chandelier.  Punky had fun trying to find him and asked how he got up there.  Later, we heard her say, "Sorry, I broke the mirror Gimli."  (A total accident today).

Daddy has been having lots of fun with the kids on Saturday mornings while I'm working at the library.  He took them to Cabela's a few weeks ago to look at the animals and today they went to the Maple Maze.  I think this working thing is good for all of us!

Just to keep things fair, here's a picture of Buddy during supper tonight!