Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 31, 2012


We took the kids to the Children's Museum today.  Punky won tickets back in September at her D/HH picnic and we finally got around to going.  Punky was especially excited to see the temporary exhibit, Grossology since she sees the commercials for it on PBS.

The Grossology exhibit was ummm... Gross.  I think it was more appropriate for elementary-aged kids, but Punky did get a kick out of the machines that made burping and farting noises.  There was even an exhibit where you could smell armpit, foot, bad breath and anus.  We smelled them all...  What were we thinking?  It was disgusting!  Even though Punky was most excited for Grossology (and thinks the Children's Museums itself is called Grossology), we probably spent the least amount of time in that exhibit. 

The town was our favorite area.  After we finished the entire museum, we told Punky she could chose one area to visit again before we left.  She picked the town.  There was a grocery store, restaurant, city bus, doctor's office and post office to play in.  

Working the cashra (cash register)

Buddy loved each and every area we visited.  It was so hard to get him to move on to the next area.  He would not let go of his shopping cart/loaf of bread/crayfish/etc. and even threw a few big tantrums at his most favorite areas (those that involved water).

Another favorite area was the nature area.  We spent a lot of time crawling through the ant's tunnel system and splashing in the stream. 

Poor Buddy got called a girl two times while we were at the museum.  He WAS wearing a yellow shirt, but it had a dinosaur on it.  I think we might need to think more about cutting his mullet hair.

After the museum, we went to one of our favorite restaurants nearby.  Both kids ate their entire piece of pizza.  Yummy!

We had a great day in St. Paul.  The Children's Museum wasn't too crowded and we all had a great time.  We hope to make it an annual tradition!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Punky and Buddy were very excited to celebrate Daddy's birthday this year!  We had a loose "fishing" theme.  We went to Cabela's this morning so that each kid could pick out a fishing lure for Daddy.  Punky insisted on getting Daddy a purple one!  After some searching, we were able to find one that would work.  We decorated the birthday cake with gummy fish.  And we had fish and chips for supper at one of our favorite restaurants (a total coincidence).  As we were leaving the restaurant, Punky told Daddy that now we had to go home because all his friends were there waiting for his party.  Um, sorry, Punky, 32 year olds don't get parties on Tuesday nights!  Buddy was overall obsessed with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday card we picked out for Daddy.  It sings the "Hot Dog Song".  There were major crying fits when Buddy did not go open and close the card repeatedly. 

We hope you had a good day, Daddy!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Funny Videos

One of Punky's favorite TV shows (not counting "kids shows") is America's Funniest Videos.  I think we might have a $10,000 winner with this video of Punky trying to scooter.  I don't think she realized her foot had to actually touch the ground! 

And for good measure, here's a video Daddy captured trying to get Buddy to say "Cock a Doodle Doo."

Transcription for those who can't understand toddler-
 Daddy: Hey, C.  Can you say Cock a Doodle Doo?
Buddy: No.
Daddy: What sound does a rooster make?
Buddy: Baa.
Daddy:  No, what sound does a rooster make?
Buddy:  Ummm... Baa.
Daddy: No, goofball.  What sound does a rooster make?
Buddy:  Cock a Doodle Doo.

What a silly boy, you can just tell by the look of his eye, he loves to tease!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


The weather this week has been unbelievably warm. High 70s and even the 80s in March is unheard of!  I keep reminding myself that it is still mid-March and it could still snow, so I am trying not to get used to the sun, sandals, and short sleeves quite yet.

We played outside pretty much the entire weekend. On Friday, we went outside a little before 4 after Buddy woke up from his nap. Neighbor kids slowly arrived home and trickled outside. We ended up playing outside until after 7 o'clock.  The kids rode bicycles and played ball while the parents chatted and drank beer. It couldn't have been a better night. Saturday and Sunday were more of the same. Please Minnesota- let's have a real spring this year and no more snow!

Punky trying out the hand-me-down bike from cousin Leah.  We borrowed training wheels from the neighbor, but they didn't quite reach the ground.  It's a little too big but will probably work good next year.

Buddy LOVES the motorized Mickey Mouse car.  He can keep up with the big kids!

The neighbor's bike fits her much better.  The neighbor kid outgrew his bike and they want to give this one to Punky.  We're not sure if we'll take it yet.  Don't you think she should have a pink one with tassels and a basket? 

Buddy likes the bikes and cars, but still prefers to kick, throw and play with balls. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Business in the Front, Party in the Back

Buddy's hair is out.of.control and probably cannot even be classified as a baby mullet anymore.  Some days the back of his hair turns into the cutest curls and I can't imagine cutting it.  But, on days like today, I think it is time for Buddy to get his first haircut.  What do you think?


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

Overheard in our house this week...

While changing a diaper-
Daddy: "Buddy, don't rub Mommy's cell phone on your wiener."

While taking a bath-
Daddy: "Punky, please don't put your bottom under the running water."

While getting ready in the morning-
Mommy: "Buddy, don't dip your toothbrush in the toilet!"

While cooking supper-
Mommy:  "Buddy, don't bite your sister's bottom!"

After nap time-
Mommy:  "I joined Facebook today."
Punky:  "Why?"

This morning, the kids managed to "lose" my Target Credit Card and my cell phone in the house.  (They like to play with my purse.)  The credit card had slid under our area rug and after two hours of searching, I finally found my phone INSIDE the Diaper Genie.  With Daddy in Florida for work, it might be a long week!