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Friday, April 27, 2012

Rice and Beans

We haven't been up to much lately, so I haven't had any funny or interesting stories to blog about.  I thought it would be fun to document our family's weekly trip to our favorite restaurant, Chipotle. 

First off, let me note that even before we had kids, Derek and I were Chipotle Addicts (with a capital A).  I don't remember when our weekly trips to Chipotle started, but it's been at least a few years.  One of my biggest fears after getting pregnant was that Chipotle (or spicy foods) would make me sick.  Luckily, it wasn't an issue (and actually when pregnant with Buddy I ate 1.5 Sam's Club sized jars of jalapenos during the summer).  I even remember as a pregnant woman telling my old boss that I thought my baby's first word would be Chipotle.  After Punky was born, we hoped and hoped that she would love Chipotle as much as we do.  Let's just say, that saying our family loves Chipotle is an understatement.

On Friday nights, you can find us at Chipotle.  Punky knows that Friday nights are "Rice and Beans" nights.  I'd be embarrassed to tell how many employees know us (and our orders) and comment when we are there on a night other than Friday.  Often times, we tease Punky and tell her we are going to another restaurant like Applebees (which she detests for some reason unknown to us).  She loves her "Rice and Beans" and never wants to try another place.

Punky always orders a side of rice and pinto beans.  Daddy gets chicken and Mommy gets a "rito".  She knows my order by heart and whispers my ingredients to the workers (sour cream and cheese, please.)  Sadly, Buddy really isn't in to Chiptole all too much, but he puts up with it.  He gets a small quesadilla and we usually bring him some mandarin oranges, applesauce or gogurt.  And of course, we all share an order of chips and guac!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Two under Two

Our family is about to hit a milestone that's been on my mind for the past few months.  Buddy is now 19 months, the same age Punky was when he was born.  Ever since Buddy turned one (the same age Punky was when I found out I was pregnant again), I try to imagine what life would be like if we had decided to add a 3rd baby to our family in the same time frame.  I am not sure if I would be able to survive three under three, and I am so proud that we made it through two under two.  

I look back at the last four years of our life and amazed at how much has changed, how much we went through, and how blessed we are now.   I will be the first to admit that having two kids in two years is HARD work, but also very rewarding.  I was pregnant from May 2008-January 2009, nursed until January 2010, was pregnant from December 2009-September 2010 and nursed until September 2011.  No breaks at all!  Looking back, I will definitely say that this period was the hardest and most trying time of my life.  But I am so happy with our family today, I would do it all over again.   

When Buddy was born, I thought Punky was such a big girl already.  I was so wrong; she was just a baby.  At 19 months, Punky was sleeping in a toddler bed, had pretty much given up naps and was starting to sit on the potty chair.  I cannot imagine attempting any of those things with Buddy.  He is definitely still my baby, and probably always will be.  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

Punky and Buddy went all out celebrating Easter this year.  They had four egg hunts, saw two Easter bunnies and got five pounds of candy (each) (I swear!).  This post is going to be very photo-heavy! 

The festivities began  on Thursday night when we dyed eggs after Daddy got home from work. 

On Friday morning we attended a local "Eggstravanganza" party with our friends and some neighbors.  The party was held at a park and had lots of fun activities for the kids like playing games, making crafts, petting real bunnies, and face painting.  There was also a scavenger hunt and an egg hunt.  Punky said her favorite part was going on the scavenger hunt with our neighbor, Caden.  Buddy's favorite part had to be petting the bunnies.  My favorite part was the face painting.  So cute!

 On Saturday, we were at Grandma and Grandpa's farm in SD.  We spent the morning staying busy outside. 

 Punky took a ride on the three-wheeler, while Buddy opted for a little slower pace.

We tested out the new rope swing.

And flew Punky's new kite.

 But, both kids were happiest sitting in the garden with an empty bucket and a shovel. 

Punky, Grandma and I went to an Easter egg hunt in town that afternoon while Buddy took a nap.  It was very small town, but she did a good job grabbing lots of eggs filled with candy.  We were so proud of Punky for sharing her eggs with some of the smaller kids who didn't get many eggs AND some big kids who missed the announcement for their age group.

She wasn't quite so sure about this Easter Bunny.
 That evening, my aunts, uncles, and cousins gathered for dinner.  It was a nice night as we haven't seen many of them in a long time.  It was the first time most of them had met Buddy.  Punky had a great supper of ham and cheesy potatoes candy. 

We did a little egg hunt and my aunt gave each of the kids a chocolate bunny that almost as tall as Buddy...  I don't know how we are ever going to eat TWO of those bunnies.

On Sunday, the kids found their Easter baskets in the morning before church.  Two hours later (a.k.a. after church), we ate brunch and relaxed a bit.  While we were watching TV, Derek saw the Easter Bunny hopping through the woods.  Punky then discovered he had left more eggs in the yard!

We had a very fun weekend celebrating Easter with our family!  Punky and Buddy were very spoiled.  Which is good for me since the kids ended up with so much candy.  I will not feel one bit guilty sneaking a piece or two of chocolate every now and then. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jumping Up and Down

Punky and the rest of the preschoolers sang two songs during church today.  We were given the words to the songs a month or so ago so that we could practice them at home.  Punky didn't know the first song at all and didn't sing a word.  She was pretty good at waving her palm branch though.  She did much better during the second song.  She sang most of the words and did most of the actions.  "Jumping up and down, jumping up and down, jumping up and down, shout Hosanna".  Oh and according to Punky, Hosanna rhymes with lasagna. 

Daddy snuck up to the front to take a video of the performance.  Punky is in the middle wearing the yellow sweater.  In between the songs, you can hear her say "Hi Mommy!"  Somewhere in the middle of the second song, she waved and said "Hi Amber" to Auntie too.  So cute!