With my new schedule at work, I had the entire day off. We invited Punky's three BFFs (and baby sister!) over for a small birthday party. This year Punky had requested a Hello Kitty birthday party. The girls (and Buddy) painted Hello Kitty masks, played Pin the bow on Hello Kitty and played another game where the kids stood on a chair and dropped pens into a vase.
In the two hour time window, there was also time for dress-up, cupcakes and present opening. Although there was a pretty major tantrum from Punky at one point, it was a pretty fun afternoon!
After the party, we headed to Broadway Pizza for Punky's annual birthday dinner. The kids were so exhausted after a big day that they were in bed 45 minutes early.
On Saturday, our families came to celebrate Punky's birthday. Although we intended it to be a low-key party, it always ends up being a crazy, hectic celebration when you have five kids in our small house.
Auntie Shannon recently started dabbling in cake decorating and surprised Punky with an awesome Hello Kitty cake! It turned out so cute!
It was a fun afternoon catching up with family and friends. Punky got a lot of great gifts (bedding for a big girl bed, dress up clothes, a CD player, doll clothes, rain boots and crafts).
After everyone went home, we went to Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Max's hotel room to swim. I wish I could've taken photos or videos, but I am not bringing a $$$ camera to a pool, no way. Punky and Buddy were crazy and fearless. They both jumped in and out of the pool approximately 100 times each. We ended night with pizza, bedtime for the little kids and board games and cards for the big kids.
This morning we went to church, out for pancakes and by Buddy's request, Cabela's. Punky and I had fun this afternoon playing princesses and trying out her new makeup kit. Very futuristic, no?
It was a very fun weekend and hopefully a birthday Punky will never forget!