Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


We were lucky to have a bunch of days off work last week and were able to spend time at Grandma and Grandpa's farm for 5 days. Although the weather wasn't all that summery, it was a perfect way to kick-off summer! My parents moved to the farm when Punky was about 9 months old. At first, I was sad that my kids wouldn't know where I grew up. However, I am so glad that they moved. I love that we have somewhere to go to spend time outdoors, get messy and have fun. I think it'll be so much fun to let Punky and Buddy lose on the farm when they are older and see what kinds of fun things their imaginations will come up with. Hopefully, they get into a little bit of trouble too. Okay probably not, but hopefully they get dirty at least.

After we arrived, Grandpa told Punky and Buddy he had arranged a "field trip" for later that afternoon. We all put on our rain boots and headed to the neighbor's farm to see the cows at milking time!

Someone fell into a mud puddle minutes after getting to the dairy farm.

It was pretty hard to get an actual photo of the milking process, but it was fun to see it all happen. Both kids asked to pet the cows. Buddy nearly walked right out of the barn into the muddy pasture in order to get a closer look. Good thing Daddy had a close eye on him! Buddy had no fear at all!


We also got to see the baby cows and Punky and Buddy got to help feed them. We found a baby kitten too that the kids were so happy to get to hold.




We went to the zoo on the nicest day of the weekend (post later this week).  The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out around the farm.


Punky helped plant the garden.


Buddy loves to play with this black horse that was Grandpa's toy when he was a little boy.

Buddy took his first ride on the 3-wheeler.


We flew kites.


We went in the "hot pool".


We threw rocks and sticks into the creek... for hours.


And when it rained, we watched movies and played games.  It was a great weekend with time for adventure outdoors, lazy afternoon indoors and making memories with family.    

Monday, May 20, 2013


We spent the weekend celebrating two very important women in our lives- Auntie Amber and Auntie-to-be Hilary.  Since the summer gets so busy, we decided to host both a bridal shower for Hilary and a baby shower for Amber on the same weekend.  It turned out to be a fun weekend!  We are all looking forward to meeting a new baby cousin in July and dancing the Chicken Dance at Uncle Sean and Hilary's wedding in September. 

Punky attended both showers and was the official "greeter".  She stood by the front door at both venues and greeted each guest by saying "Welcome to Hilary's bridal shower" or "Welcome to Amber's Baby Shower".


May 20132
Bridal Shower Photos
May 20133
Baby Shower Photos

We also got the chance to meet a new baby cousin this weekend. This little cutie is Punky and Buddy's second cousin. When she was born, I had told the kids that a new baby was born and she was their second cousin. Punky was pretty confused because she knew she already had two cousins, Abby and Leah. How could the new baby be her second cousin? Then she asked what Auntie Amber's baby would be and I said that baby would be her first cousin. Very confusing for a four year old, I tell you!


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Nature Center

For Mother's Day, I thought it'd be fun to visit our local nature center as a family. Punky's preschool class had visited earlier this spring (in the snow!) and we hadn't seen the newly remodeled visitor's center yet. So, after a delicious bacon-filled breakfast, church, a quick lunch, and a little shoe shopping (it was my day after-all!), we headed to the nature center.

Buddy wasn't sure what to expect and kept asking if there would be zebras (no, it's not a zoo) or cows (no, it's not a farm). There were quite a few animals to see up close, so he definitely wasn't disappointed!

There were live animals inside the nature center. Punky and Buddy were able to touch two snakes, a snapping turtle and a frog.

There were also exhibits with stuffed animals. Not sure if the kids knew these were really dead animals or not.


Buddy walked right up to the worker and said, "Can I please hold the snake?"


We did some bird watching.


And decided to take a little hike on a trail.


I feel so blessed to be a mommy to these two beautiful kids!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Last Day of Preschool

Photo of a photo because our scanner wouldn't work
Today was Punky's last day of preschool.  It was an exciting but hard day for our little girl, as many of the friends she has played with this year are now five years old and will be going to kindergarten next year.

A few weeks ago, Punky attended two birthday parties for two of her classmates.  The parties were on the same day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  And they were the first drop-off parties that Punky has been invited to as well.  On the way home from the last party, Punky started crying.  She realized that turning five meant that her friends would not be at preschool next year.  I was pretty shocked that she had such a strong reaction (especially on such a fun day).  But, I chalked it up to attending two back-to-back parties and being exhausted.  And besides, all of her preschool friends live nowhere near us, so they wouldn't be going to the same school anyway. 

This morning Punky had the same reaction saying good-bye to her preschool friend, C.  Punky and C were inseparable the entire year.  They were always playing together, choosing each other to be partners, and often times walked hand in hand through the parking lot at the end of the day.  A few times at pick-up, I even heard the teachers remind Punky and C to stop talking, wrestling, hugging, etc.  Today, after the end of the year party, Punky burst into tears and came running to me crying when it was time to say good-bye.  I felt so bad for our little girl, I was in tears too.  It hurt so much knowing how sad our little girl was in that moment.  The teachers all commented on what a special friendship the two of them made that year.  All we could do was hug her and remind her to think of the fun times they had together.  

C gave Punky a present- so sweet!

Similar to last year, families were invited into the classroom during the last half hour of class to watch the children sing a few songs, receive an award from the teachers, and celebrate the end of the school year.  Daddy, Buddy, Cassie (Punky's DHH teacher) and I had front row seats for the performance.


Punky's teachers presented her with an award for "Endless Enthusiasm and Great Generator of Ideas".  Her "report card" had high marks in nearly every category.  The only "developing skill" the teachers made a comment about was that she "occasionally needs a little help resolving conflicts without assistance".  No surprise there, but we're working on it!


When I was young, my dad always told me he did not care so much about the grade on the report card, but that the teachers had positive comments to make about me.  Here is what the teacher had to say about Punky:

"We enjoy Punky very much.  She has a great sense of humor, is always engaged in our discussions at circle-time, and tried out all things."

May 20131
We missed photos with the other two teachers because Punky was still crying.

Like last year, I saved some of my favorite projects that Punky created at preschool.  I am not sure how I will ever keep all of her artwork, so taking photos is one way to remember all the cute things she has created!

May 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dreaming of Nicer Weather

I've not had much to blog about in the past few weeks.  I am blaming it mostly on the fact that our spring has been terrible.  There were two significant snow storms in the end of April and another one that just missed us this past week.  It has left me not feeling like doing much and dreaming of all the fun that I wish we could have outside.  So, I made a list (who doesn't love a list!) of all the things that I hope we get to do this summer.  We'll see how well we do!

Go to the Zoo (Hopefully a Few Times)
Visit the Grandparents
Swim Pond
Visit a New Baby Cousin at the Hospital
Monsters University (Buddy's 1st Time at the Movies)
Swimming at the Lake
Fishing with Daddy
Fourth of July Parade
Color Run in Iowa 
Music at the Town Green
Soccer and T-Ball
Trip to Duluth with the Olsons and Kirchoffs
Picnics at the Park
State Fair
Uncle Sean's Wedding