Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 23, 2013

First Fish

Earlier this week, I had taken the kids swimming at a local lake.  They had so much fun watching the fishermen on the dock that by the time Derek got home from his out-of-town work trip, they were begging Daddy to take them fishing.  So, on Saturday night, after I got home from work and we had finished eating supper, we headed back to the lake with a Barbie fishing pole, a Cars fishing pole, and a cup of worms.


Fishing with two kids is challenging, to say the least.  It was definitely a two person job.  (Not sure how we will ever manage fishing in a boat- we'll need to tether them in or something.)  Derek was busy putting worms on the poles and trying to keep the kids away from the hooks.  And we were both busy making sure fishing poles and kids didn't end up in the lake, not to mention trying to remind them to be patient.


After a half hour or so, Buddy was the first to get a bite!  Buddy really enjoyed checking the fish out and seeing him up close.

Buddy's bullhead (and cup of worms)

Luckily, Punky caught her first fish in the next 5 minutes or so.  She was so excited and was squealing "My first fish!".

Punky's sunfish


The mosquitoes were awful, it was over an hour past bedtime, and Buddy was throwing a major fit because he couldn't throw all of the worms in the lake, so we called the fishing trip a success and headed home.


It was most exciting to hear Punky and Buddy talk to their grandparents the next day and hear the excitement in their voices as they talked about their bullhead and sunny.  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

First Signs of Summer

Finally! Finally! It is starting to feel like summer! This was our first week of summer activities and the weather was nearly perfect each day.

Punky is taking a Lil' Sports Sampler class through our local Park and Rec Department. The class meets for 45 minutes two mornings a week. The first three weeks are soccer and the second three weeks are t-ball. When I registered for the class, Punky was not so sure about taking t-ball, she only wanted to do soccer. But, as soon as I told her she got a t-shirt for taking the class she was ready to play!  Punky really seems to be enjoying soccer (although she wasn't too keen on having her photo taken). I don't know how much she is learning, but the chance to play on a real soccer field and kick the ball around is enough for a 4 year old.


This week also marked our first morning at "Green Town". For the last three years, we've packed a lunch and met with our BFFs (the MG Twins) for the free kid's music concerts.  The weather was BEAUTIFUL and this year, we let the kids dance on stage. Buddy had some crazy moves.


Photo Flashback 2010

This weekend we headed to the mall and watched another free kid's music concert.  Eventhough it was raining, I dragged the entire family out to see The Okee Dokee Brothers which I consider the best thing since the Fresh Beat Band Beatles. At one point, Derek took the kids to look at some art booths, and I was left alone dancing to my new favorite band. Seriously, check the Okee Dokee Brothers out, they are that good!

For Father's Day, we decided to get tickets to the Twins Game. This was Buddy's first game and thankfully the kids did really well. They asked how long until it was over about every 20 minutes after the 2nd or 3rd inning. And every time we cheered, Buddy asked if the game was finished now. Luckily, the hot dogs, cotton candy, pop, sunflower seeds and the little girl behind us kept them plenty busy.



Check out those freckles!

Happy Father's Day, Derek! We love you!


Saturday, June 8, 2013

@#$%^ and Quick Updates

Buddy has developed his own little "swear word".  When he gets mad at something or someone, he crosses his arms, pouts and shouts, "GOONIE GOON!"  Derek and I try so hard to hide our giggles every time he does it.  It is just so cute! 

Because I use this blog as a "baby book" of sorts, there are a few memories I want to record.  If we are facebook friends, you've heard these stories already. 

April 24th- First night using his new umbrella, and Buddy walked right into our truck and broke the umbrella.


May 5th- The Sunday School teacher pulled me aside after class to tell me that Punky informed the class that "Daddy was at a party last night and got home really late and was still sleeping and didn't come to church."

May 6th- Teaching manners was NOT working this morning...
Buddy - "More"
Me- "More... What?"
Buddy- "More Eggos"
Me- "More Eggos... What?"
Buddy- "More Eggos in my mouth"

June 2nd- Buddy found the scissors...  (Luckily, Punky's hair looks just fine.)


As you can tell, life around our house is chaotic but oh so much fun!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Grandma's Zoo

While we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa, we took a day trip to the zoo. Auntie Shannon and Leah were visiting too and Uncle Sean and Hilary live nearby, so we had a big group of family all together!


We had been talking about going to the zoo during our visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a while. Soon enough, Buddy started referring to the zoo as "Grandma's zoo". We were interested in going to this zoo because it had rhinos- which our local zoos do not have.


Of course, the zoo had a bunch of Buddy's other favorites like farm animals, alligators, zebras and giraffes. We didn't even think to bring a stroller and Buddy did so good walking. He got tired near the end, so we took turns carrying him. I guess he's growing up!


Punky and Buddy were so spoiled by Grandma and Auntie Shannon. In addition to a ride on the carousel and an ice cream treat, they came home with new toys from the gift shop. Buddy and Auntie had fallen back from the group, and while the rest of us were looking at the giraffes, we all saw Buddy rounding the corner carrying a toy zebra that Auntie had let him pick out at the gift shop (I guess he originally picked out a humongous lion at first, but Auntie said no). Punky was surprised and so happy with the flamingo that Auntie chose for her. At the exit, Punky had been eyeing up those cheesy touristy rocks that you can fill a bag for $3. Grandma bought her that (she chose only purple rocks) and a lollipop with a stuffed leopard toy on it (she never did finish the lollipop). Buddy picked out a new plastic animal for his collection (a cheetah) and a lollipop with a stuffed zebra on it. All the new toys, plush and plastic, have been sleeping with the kids ever since!


I am sure this will not be our last time visiting the zoo this summer!  And hopefully next time I don't have a smudge on my camera lens- ugh!