Hey all, sorry for the blog absence lately. I just haven't been feeling it lately. We've been getting into a new groove with the school year and things are going fine. I'm just in a blogging slump, I guess. And I feel like my photography sucks right now too. Not sure what is going on. I blame it partly on the iPhone and part on my minor league skills. I guess we'll see what happens in the next few months with the old blog.
Last week, Buddy attended his first day of Nature School! It was the most awesome day for our little guy and just the perfect class for our boy.
I became a little burned out of preschool at the end of last year. Punky had been attending for 2.5 years and I felt she was smarter than what they were doing in class. Therefore, we had decided last year to wait to put Buddy in preschool. He'll be 6 when he starts kindergarten and I think one year of preschool is enough.
As a compromise, we put Buddy into a weekly class at our local Nature Center. Each week is a different topic (insects, spiders, fall colors, pumpkins, etc.) and students can sign up for one class or all of them, like we did. The class is run just like a preschool class with free time, circle time with a story and lesson, an art project and at the end of class, a nature hike. It will be so nice for Buddy to have a chance to meet new kids and get a little bit of time in a classroom. Not to mention, I will have two hours a week to myself too!
He was a little nervous to go on the first day, but as soon as we walked into his classroom and he saw the bug toys set up to play with, he was waving me off. He was so excited to go back the second week. And then on the second week, we found a snake curled up right outside of the entrance door! Buddy was so quick to pick him up and had no fear. I was a little freaked out and told Buddy to look, not touch. Then I realized there was no harm in touching and if he wasn't afraid, he should hold the snake. He was so happy to grab "his first snake". I was so happy for the rest of the day because I knew how excited Buddy was. Hopefully next week Buddy isn't too disappointed when the snake isn't outside waiting for him!
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Four Years Old
I know I keep saying it (and it's getting harder each year) but how in the world is my little boy already four?
He challenges us. There have been some pretty terrible fits, but most often it is the not listening that gets to us. And sometimes the not listening and not accepting "no" from us, leads to hitting. On the flip side, Buddy is also a softy and is afraid a lot too. He takes forever to fall asleep and comes downstairs multiple times every night. Around 2 or 3 every morning, he ends up in our bed. I love it and hate it at the same time.
How do I want to remember Buddy at four years old?
He is silly (borderline crazy). Buddy constantly makes up new words- thing-a-ma-doodle is my favorite. After dinner, Buddy races to the couch, stands on the ottoman and shouts "It's jumpin' time! You don't know what jumpin' time is!" and rockets himself onto the couch. Sometimes Derek and I just look at each other and wonder how in the world Buddy ever even came up with the idea to do whatever it is he is doing.
He is smart. Ask Buddy any fact about animals, and he will know the answer. Buddy's strengths are different than Punky's were at this age but I definitely know that Buddy is a smart kid.
He challenges us. There have been some pretty terrible fits, but most often it is the not listening that gets to us. And sometimes the not listening and not accepting "no" from us, leads to hitting. On the flip side, Buddy is also a softy and is afraid a lot too. He takes forever to fall asleep and comes downstairs multiple times every night. Around 2 or 3 every morning, he ends up in our bed. I love it and hate it at the same time.
He loves to draw. I have been seriously impressed with all the drawings Buddy comes up with. A few weeks ago, I bought a giant roll of white paper meant for an easel at IKEA. It is nearly gone. When we had family over for Labor Day weekend, we rolled a giant piece out and all the adults helped Buddy create an ocean scene. Buddy directed us all and helped with some great animals. Buddy is usually drawing animals or dinosaurs and more often than not I can actually tell what the animal is supposed to be. I really should photograph and scan in some of his best works.
He likes to play with Punky. When Punky started kindergarten last week, Buddy was a little lost without her. He's adjusted well though. But, every chance he gets, the two of them are playing together like best friends.
He loves animals. We caught approximately 13 grasshoppers, 24 dragonflies, and 19 worms this summer. And they lived in Buddy's dollar store bug cage in the house (or garage if I could convince him). And don't forget about Hopster #3. Buddy's favorite toys/books/TV shows/clothes constantly revolve around animals or dinosaurs. Everyone who knows him keeps remarking that he will one day be a zookeeper or have some sort of job with animals. Forget about superheros, trucks or sports, this kid loves animals.
We love you, Buddy!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Today was Punky's first day of kindergarten. She had a great day and is ready to go back again tomorrow!
As soon as we saw the bus stop heading down the street, Punky started waving goodbye and joined the group of kids. We had to hold her back and tell her to give us a hug! (And then we realized it wasn't even her bus! Hers came a few minutes later.)
I started to tear up as I saw her walk to the back of the bus, then back to the front, looking for a seat. We were told that there was assigned seating on the buses, but Punky didn't see her name and no one was helping her find it. I felt so sad for her and there was nothing I could do to help her.
We made a last minute decision to jump in our car and meet her at school. We were able to see Punky walk into her classroom and find her seat. It was very reassuring throughout the day when I constantly thought of her.
Derek stayed home from work this morning so we both got up early and got ready before waking up the kids. When I went into Punky's room to wake her, her eyes popped open and she clapped her hands and yawned, "kindergarten!!!". This morning was an easy morning but I am not sure they will all be that way. About two weeks ago, they started sleeping late, sometimes as late as 9 o'clock. Hopefully we adjust to early bedtimes on school nights.
As soon as we saw the bus stop heading down the street, Punky started waving goodbye and joined the group of kids. We had to hold her back and tell her to give us a hug! (And then we realized it wasn't even her bus! Hers came a few minutes later.)
I started to tear up as I saw her walk to the back of the bus, then back to the front, looking for a seat. We were told that there was assigned seating on the buses, but Punky didn't see her name and no one was helping her find it. I felt so sad for her and there was nothing I could do to help her.
We made a last minute decision to jump in our car and meet her at school. We were able to see Punky walk into her classroom and find her seat. It was very reassuring throughout the day when I constantly thought of her.
Derek headed to work and Buddy and I went about our day while Punky was in school. We took our neighbor boy to the playground in the morning. Then in the afternoon, we did a few errands. Soon enough, it was time to pick Punky up from the bus. She was very happy to see us and said she had a great day. It was so difficult to get any information out of her. Payback, I guess. She did tell us a little, but mostly it was yes and no. She did great eating the hot lunch, which I was worried about. She played with some of her friends at recess and met new friends too. I think she'll do just fine!
This evening during dinner we had Punky explain her day to us. Poor Buddy was so jealous. He kept countering everything Punky said. Punky sat in the green group, well Buddy sat in the red group. Punky ate carrots at lunch, well Buddy ate broccoli. We finally stopped our conversation and asked Buddy about his REAL day and he was haivng nothing of it. He only wanted to pretend he was at kindergarten too. Tomorrow is his first day of daycare by himself. Wish us luck!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Summer Sports
This summer Punky participated in both t-ball and soccer. She liked playing on the teams, but at this age, I think she is mostly in it for the socialization with her friends. By far, her favorite thing was going to the playground with her friends after the games.
T-ball was a spring sport but with all the rain we had in May, the season lasted through July. There were a few weeks when we had t-ball on Monday and Wednesday evenings and soccer on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It got to be quite exhausting!
I should have wrote this blog post a month ago, but I was waiting for her team photo to come back. And, now, I've forgotten a lot. Here's what I want to remember from the summer.
T-ball- The Lizards
Punky's BFFs put together the team, so we knew most of the teammates and became fast friends with everyone. The girls were so good at cheering each other on.
Although there were a few close calls, no one got hurt (or beamed in the back of the head since they were often times not paying attention at all)!
Buddy loved going to t-ball just as much as Punky because he became friends with another player's sister. The two would run around and play together the whole game. Next year Buddy will be able to join the same league so that is something to look forward to!
After the game, the kids took turns bringing a snack to pass out. Buddy quickly figured this out And (twice!) lined up in ANOTHER TEAM'S treat line. He even scored a dilly bar once. I was mortified, and a little proud.
Soccer- The Parrots
The first six weeks of soccer were practice- running relays, drills, etc. The last two weeks were games. We missed two games and were late to one (there was a time change that I forgot about). But it was so much fun to get to see Punky in those one and a half games! She really got in to soccer. She stuck with the bigger kids and could run and kick the ball with ease. I know nothing about soccer really and wouldn't choose it myself. But I do think soccer might be Punky's best chance of becoming an athlete.
Everyone's favorite part of soccer was their team cheer. (According to one of her friends, Punky came up with the cheer and taught it to everyone. If that is true, I am very proud of her. So creative!) The team would gather in a circle with their hands in the middle and shout.... Gooooooo! Parrots! And then they'd flap their arms and shout "Polly want a cracker! Polly want a cracker!"
It was fun to be involved in sports this year. We were able to meet new friends and get outside. Next year, we'll have two involved in activities. I hope we are able to coordinate their schedules and not have two kids in two places at the same time.
T-ball was a spring sport but with all the rain we had in May, the season lasted through July. There were a few weeks when we had t-ball on Monday and Wednesday evenings and soccer on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It got to be quite exhausting!
I should have wrote this blog post a month ago, but I was waiting for her team photo to come back. And, now, I've forgotten a lot. Here's what I want to remember from the summer.
T-ball- The Lizards
Punky's BFFs put together the team, so we knew most of the teammates and became fast friends with everyone. The girls were so good at cheering each other on.
Although there were a few close calls, no one got hurt (or beamed in the back of the head since they were often times not paying attention at all)!
Buddy loved going to t-ball just as much as Punky because he became friends with another player's sister. The two would run around and play together the whole game. Next year Buddy will be able to join the same league so that is something to look forward to!
After the game, the kids took turns bringing a snack to pass out. Buddy quickly figured this out And (twice!) lined up in ANOTHER TEAM'S treat line. He even scored a dilly bar once. I was mortified, and a little proud.
Soccer- The Parrots
The first six weeks of soccer were practice- running relays, drills, etc. The last two weeks were games. We missed two games and were late to one (there was a time change that I forgot about). But it was so much fun to get to see Punky in those one and a half games! She really got in to soccer. She stuck with the bigger kids and could run and kick the ball with ease. I know nothing about soccer really and wouldn't choose it myself. But I do think soccer might be Punky's best chance of becoming an athlete.
Everyone's favorite part of soccer was their team cheer. (According to one of her friends, Punky came up with the cheer and taught it to everyone. If that is true, I am very proud of her. So creative!) The team would gather in a circle with their hands in the middle and shout.... Gooooooo! Parrots! And then they'd flap their arms and shout "Polly want a cracker! Polly want a cracker!"
It was fun to be involved in sports this year. We were able to meet new friends and get outside. Next year, we'll have two involved in activities. I hope we are able to coordinate their schedules and not have two kids in two places at the same time.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Supper - Monday Night Style
Erin works late on Monday nights, so I get to pick the kids up from daycare, make supper, have a little playtime, then it's bedsnack, stories, and bed. Monday's tend to have a slightly different schedule than the nights that Erin is home - we don't usually get home until about 5:30, then we've got to build a consensus about what to make for supper, then the cooking gets done. Usually we eat at about 6:30. That's usually - but when Dad's in charge, the schedule is a bit more flexible...
However, this Monday night I picked the kids up a little later than usual at just after 6 PM (golf tournament for work - yes, poor, poor me) and we finally got home at about 6:30. After some negotiating, we settled on hot dogs on the grill, sweet corn (for the kids), and Brussels sprouts/carrots for Dad (with some extra Brussels sprouts for Buddy because he loves them).
I went out and started the grill and Buddy follows me outside with a backpack full of animals. Because what 3 year old (don't say almost 4 year old - we've still got 3 more weeks people!) doesn't carry around a backpack full of animals just in case they meet someone new. Lo and behold, our neighbors had some friends over, and Buddy decided to go over and show them his backpack full of animals. One of the nice girls sat down and talked to him while he proceeded to take every animal out of the backpack and show them to her. Punky soon found her way outside and joined in the conversation - she LOVES talking to older girls. I busied myself grilling and getting the rest of supper ready while the kids talked.
We finally got to eat at around 7 PM and settled into our meal - Buddy with a hot dog on a piece of bread, oddly with no ketchup or mustard tonight, and Punky with hers cut up and lots of ketchup and mustard (I'm not-so-secretly proud that my kids like mustard, much to Erin's annoyance). After a little while, the kids started telling knock-knock jokes. (A little background - we heard that they were telling knock-knock jokes to their cousins Abby from Grandpa Max and Grandma Debbie's house into Yankton on Friday. I hope their laughter cheered Deb up a little on a hard day.) Buddy's best joke of the night went like this:
Buddy: "Knock-knock!"
Punky: "Who's there?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Ummm...aren't you glad I didn't say stick?!?!"
Punky and I busted out laughing, and Buddy soon joined in after giving his mischevious little smile. Sometimes the best knock-knock jokes are told just a little bit wrong :) He also tried the same joke with 'Bugs' and "Brussels sprouts" (the kid seriously loves him some sprouts!) but not quite with the same effect. Punky tried a few jokes too, and we all had a good time laughing at the dinner table.
Some play time, a snack, two stories, and then bedtime soon followed. These Monday nights with the kids are a little bit hectic sometimes, but I love them and am sure I'll be looking back fondly on them in the future.
However, this Monday night I picked the kids up a little later than usual at just after 6 PM (golf tournament for work - yes, poor, poor me) and we finally got home at about 6:30. After some negotiating, we settled on hot dogs on the grill, sweet corn (for the kids), and Brussels sprouts/carrots for Dad (with some extra Brussels sprouts for Buddy because he loves them).
I went out and started the grill and Buddy follows me outside with a backpack full of animals. Because what 3 year old (don't say almost 4 year old - we've still got 3 more weeks people!) doesn't carry around a backpack full of animals just in case they meet someone new. Lo and behold, our neighbors had some friends over, and Buddy decided to go over and show them his backpack full of animals. One of the nice girls sat down and talked to him while he proceeded to take every animal out of the backpack and show them to her. Punky soon found her way outside and joined in the conversation - she LOVES talking to older girls. I busied myself grilling and getting the rest of supper ready while the kids talked.
We finally got to eat at around 7 PM and settled into our meal - Buddy with a hot dog on a piece of bread, oddly with no ketchup or mustard tonight, and Punky with hers cut up and lots of ketchup and mustard (I'm not-so-secretly proud that my kids like mustard, much to Erin's annoyance). After a little while, the kids started telling knock-knock jokes. (A little background - we heard that they were telling knock-knock jokes to their cousins Abby from Grandpa Max and Grandma Debbie's house into Yankton on Friday. I hope their laughter cheered Deb up a little on a hard day.) Buddy's best joke of the night went like this:
Buddy: "Knock-knock!"
Punky: "Who's there?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Stick."
Punky: "Stick who?"
Buddy: "Ummm...aren't you glad I didn't say stick?!?!"
Punky and I busted out laughing, and Buddy soon joined in after giving his mischevious little smile. Sometimes the best knock-knock jokes are told just a little bit wrong :) He also tried the same joke with 'Bugs' and "Brussels sprouts" (the kid seriously loves him some sprouts!) but not quite with the same effect. Punky tried a few jokes too, and we all had a good time laughing at the dinner table.
Some play time, a snack, two stories, and then bedtime soon followed. These Monday nights with the kids are a little bit hectic sometimes, but I love them and am sure I'll be looking back fondly on them in the future.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Hopster #3
We spent a few days at the lake with Grandma and Grandpa this week. We enjoy tagging along on their vacation so much. We are so thankful that our little city kids get a chance to spend some time in the great outdoors.
We did a lot of fishing off the dock.
We took a boat ride.
We played at the playground. Punky was so into going to the playground by herself and playing with the other kids. She was so happy to meet new friends and be included in their group (a lot of them are cousins).
We played at the beach.
We stayed up late and enjoyed the sunsets.
Buddy caught a bunch of frogs. Probably close to 6? They were named (in order of appearance): Hopster, Hopster #3, Lil' Hoppy and Hoppy Junior.
We convinced Buddy to let all but one go. Hopster #3 is now at home with us and after two days is still alive... hungry I'm sure, but alive.
Thanks for helping our kids make some amazing Minnesota summer memories, Grandma and Grandpa!
We did a lot of fishing off the dock.
We took a boat ride.
We played at the playground. Punky was so into going to the playground by herself and playing with the other kids. She was so happy to meet new friends and be included in their group (a lot of them are cousins).
We played at the beach.
We stayed up late and enjoyed the sunsets.
Buddy caught a bunch of frogs. Probably close to 6? They were named (in order of appearance): Hopster, Hopster #3, Lil' Hoppy and Hoppy Junior.
Punky holding Lil' Hoppy |
Thanks for helping our kids make some amazing Minnesota summer memories, Grandma and Grandpa!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Meeting the real Leonard Hofstadter
My sister had the week off of work and so the kids and I decided to spend a few days mid-week with her and the family. Even though I am not much of a dog person, we were excited to meet the newest addition to their family, Leonard Hofstadter. I am nearly 100% sure I will never own a dog, but this little guy was very cute and well-behaved.
We went to the zoo in the afternoon. Once again, Buddy was impatient and pushing us along through the exhibits. We got to see kangaroos hopping across the path , rhinos and camels which I don't think we see in MN.
Later that night, Buddy convinced Uncle Nate (who dubbed himself "Captain Awesome") to take him fishing. He got three blue gills and Punky caught one before she headed to the playground.
It was a quick trip but so nice to get to spend time with everyone!
We went to the zoo in the afternoon. Once again, Buddy was impatient and pushing us along through the exhibits. We got to see kangaroos hopping across the path , rhinos and camels which I don't think we see in MN.
Apparently 11 year olds are into making funny faces... |
It was a quick trip but so nice to get to spend time with everyone!
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