On Friday, Punky's elementary school hosted a carnival. The kids have been anticipating the day for weeks. They were so excited for a night of fun, yet they weren't entirely sure what to expect.
Sadly, on Tuesday the school nurse called me at noon and said Punky wasn't feeling well. The second thing out of her mouth when I picked her up was, "Can I still go the carnival?" After resting all day Tuesday and Wednesday, she was feeling better! Little brother was a copycat all day and wanted whatever big sister had, so he had to put pjs on and watch movies all day along with Punky. It was pretty cute how sweet they were being to one another.
The carnival turned out to be a fun night. Derek came home from work early so we could get thee right away. We played non-stop for two hours. Both Punky and Buddy raced from game to game, excited to see the next one. We bumped into friends and caught a glimpse of what 6th graders are like- yikes! We volunteered at a game station the last 45 minutes. The kids passed out candy to the winners and told everyone the rules. I didn't take any photos, only one video. I sometimes wish I took more photos (especially with my nice camera) but I also enjoy being present and attentive to what the kids are doing. Sometimes I think that is important too.