Since we aren't going on a long vacation this summer, Derek and I decided awhile back that we wanted to spend a day in Duluth. We checked our calendar and had one free Saturday the entire summer. Thankfully, it was a gorgeous day. Our plan was to get up early and head to Duluth, eat a picnic lunch, sight see, eat dinner and head home at bedtime. We kept our plans a secret from the kids until that morning and have since dubbed the day "Family Fun Day". We hope to have many more in the future!
Our first stop was the Alpine Coaster at Spirit Mountain. We'd never been before, but we will definitely come again. It was sort of expensive for what it was, but we had no other plans to spend money, so we went for it.
I read about Chester Park on TripAdvisor, so we headed there for our picnic lunch. Afterwards, we did a small "nature hike" and saw some pretty waterfalls. It was getting pretty hot, so we didn't push the kids too far since we wanted them to keep going all afternoon.
At this point, I wanted the kids to remember that I was on this family fun day too. I am the primary photo taker, so most of the time, I am not in any photos!
I figured out that if I want to get a pretty picture of Punky, I need to let her take a silly one first.
We headed towards Canal Park for the rest of the afternoon.
We let the kids put their feet in the water and we all had fun tossing stones into the lake. It wasn't too long before Buddy waded out a little too deep and the bottom of his shorts were wet. Then, Punky took a tumble and landed completely under water! Good thing we brought extra clothes! They went all in after that!
We changed clothes and walked further down the beach. The kids actually listened this time and didn't go in the water.

At this point, we were all so hot. We decided to get ice cream at this cute stand right by Grandma's. We were there two years ago and the service was terrible. It was the same this year, so we are definitely not going back. Punky wanted a slushie- they don't sell slushies anymore. Why is it on the sign? We had to list three flavors of ice cream before they actually had one of them. Why is it on your daily menu? Buddy asked for a "sundae on a cone in a cup". Derek and I were confused, but rushed, so we just ordered him a vanilla cone. Oh my goodness, did he flip out! We walked for three blocks to get to DQ and we still didn't know what a "sunday on a cone in a cup" was. Buddy didn't want vanilla, anything drizzled on top, a cone or a spoon. He wouldn't describe it to us and to this day we still don't know what he was talking about. He got a vanilla cone at DQ and was perfectly happy.
We at supper at Fitgers and then headed to Enger Tower where we got to see a barge leave the harbor through the lift bridge. The kids had no clue how big that boat was since we were so high up and it looked super teeny. Oh well! We headed for home around their regular bedtime. Both kids fell asleep in the car.
We were all exhausted today and didn't completely nothing all day. I hope we can have more Family Fun Days in the future!