The line to see Santa went very quickly (we think there were at least 4 different Santas behind the closed curtains). Last year, Buddy was scared to sit on Santa's lap, so I wasn't sure how he would react. But, there wasn't a hint of fear in Buddy's eyes this year! Punky and Buddy climbed right on Santa's lap. Punky asked for the Pop the Pig game and Buddy asked for a moose. Santa gave a chuckle at Buddy's request and told Buddy he would give him a stuffed moose or a toy moose. I think he thought Buddy was asking for the real thing!
The weather on Saturday night was nearly perfect for watching a parade outdoors. In December. In Minnesota. We all wore hats and mittens, but both kids shed them by the end of the parade. Punky sat on Daddy's shoulders for the first few floats.
Buddy was too wound up to watch the parade from the back row. He invented a little game where he put his hat on his head and tried walking around without being able to see. It was hilarious and kept him occupied!
Soon, a nice group of gentlemen asked us if we wanted to sneak up in front of them. Punky and Buddy ended up with front row seats while Daddy and I stood behind them. Buddy got frightened by one of the floats (the witch from Hansel and Gretl) so I had to hold him part way through the parade.
On Sunday after naptime, we decorated our Christmas tree. We didn't put on any glass balls, and our special ornaments are up high. We gave Punky and Buddy (mostly Buddy) a strict lecture on how we should not touch the tree or the ornaments (or instruments as Punky called them)... We'll see how that goes.
I enjoy making traditions and creating memories like these. It is so much fun to see the joy and wonder of Christmas through the eyes of children.
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