It's still winter here. It's cold outside and we haven't been doing much. So, I thought I'd take a few minutes to jot down some of Punky and Buddy's favorite books right now. I did this about 6 months ago for both
Punky and
Buddy and enjoy looking back at those posts. So, this is more for me and the future Punky and Buddy than any readers (whoever you may be).
Usborne Book of Fairy Tales- I hosted an Usborne Book party this fall and this was one of the many books I got for free. We finally gave it to Punky for her birthday and it hasn't found it's spot in the bookshelf yet. There are 5 or 6 stories in the book, classics like Cinderella and Goldilocks. There is also a little yellow duck hiding on each page that she likes to find!
Charlie and Lola- We don't have any Charlie and Lola books at home, but Punky always asks for a Charlie and Lola book when we are at the library. Lola is a silly little girl and is always saying silly things, kind of like our Punky. It is a British series, so that is kind of fun too!
Bark, George- This has got to be Punky's favorite book lately. George's mother takes George to the vet because George can not bark. He keeps saying "moo" or "meow" or "quack". The vet reaches deep inside George's throat and pulls out a cow, a cat, and a duck, etc. At the end of the book, George tries to bark and says "Hello". Punky laughs so hard every time and shouts "He ate the veterinarian!!!"
Giraffes Can't Dance- This book is definitely one of Buddy's favorites. We've checked it out from the library about 10 times, it's time for us to get our own copy. I really don't think the story is what makes Buddy loves this book. It does have a good cadence to it, but most of all Buddy likes to point out all the jungle animals. Of course!
1 Hunter- This is a simple book that Buddy found by himself at the library. It is a counting book about a hunter going on safari. The hunter passes all the hiding animals (2 elephants, 3 giraffes, 4 ostriches, etc). This book has giraffes AND crocodiles in it, so it is a hit with Buddy!
How Zebras Got Their Stripes- This is another book that I got for cheap when I hosted an Usborne Book party. It is an African folk tale. In the story, the baboon will not share the water at the pond with the other animals. The baboon builds a fire in order to scare away the other animals. The zebra thinks that the baboon needs to share and charges at the baboon. The sooty sticks from the fire fly into the air, land on the zebra and create his stripes. The baboon lands in the fire and this explains why baboons have red bottoms (which of course Punky and Buddy think is hilarious!). This book has a good lesson about sharing, humor and animals. Perfect!
Blue Hat, Green Hat- This is one of those board books that we've had since Punky was a baby. Our copy is pretty beat up, but Buddy still loves reading it. It is a simple book that even Buddy can "read". The book follows a bunch of animals as they get for the day. The silly turkey can never seem to get it right (socks on his hands, pants on his head). Both Punky and Buddy think this book is hilarious and I love hearing them roar with laughter!