I didn't feel like staying at home yesterday, so I convinced Derek to go to the Children's Museum with the kids in the afternoon. It was crazy busy downtown because of some hockey games, so our drive took us an extra 30 minutes probably. Not fun. Every thirty seconds I heard from the back seat, "How many more minutes?"
Our first stop was Cosetta's. Yum!
We got to the museum in the early afternoon and it was pretty busy. It started to clear out after awhile though, and it was much more fun.
Our first stop was the Nature area and I started to wonder if we would ever convince Buddy to leave.
Next we headed to the Dora and Diego exhibit. Dora is one of the kid's favorite shows. Punky even practiced some of her Spanish (that she learned from the show, not me!) while we were waiting around. Buddy quickly found the Animal Rescue Center and was determined to "help" the crocodile. The Animal Rescue Center was really cute. There were a bunch of stuffed animals and doctor toys. There was an Xray scanner that told the kids what was wrong with the animals. Buddy followed a little girl around for 5 minutes holding on to the crocodile's tail while the girl played with it. Finally the girl's mother said they had to go and Buddy snatched up the crocodile. He played with him for another 10 minutes and was determined not to let him go.
Staking his claim after I told him it was time to go. |
We headed to the Town area next, which was our favorite section
last year. This year, though, it was just too crowded. The grocery store had about 20 kids inside and it was chaos. Punky had fun in the restaurant and dress up areas though. She dressed as a post man and mailed quite a few letters. Buddy loved the room where you can dance in a music video. Of course, he had to have a guitar to play. No photos because it was too busy.
The water area was another big hit with Buddy. Punky was frustrated at this point because she didn't want to get wet, so we went to another nearby section while Derek stayed with Buddy. Fifteen minutes later, they came out with Buddy's sleeves soaking with water.
On the way out, Punky spotted a face painting stand and begged to paint her own face. We let her go for it. I have no idea what she was trying to create, if anything at all!
It was a fun day and an excellent way to spend an afternoon together as a family.