On Thursday morning, Punky and Buddy helped Grandma get ready for (27) guests. It was a good meal and good company with family we hadn't seen in a few years.
That night we took a swim in the "hot pool".
The next day we helped Grandma decorate for Christmas. They both enjoyed taking the nativity scene out of boxes and looking at each piece. Of course, Buddy was obsessed with the sheep, ox and goats. He tried to convince Grandma that he would "be careful with dis ox at my house." Eventually, Grandma promised to buy him a new ox at the store. When we went the next day, Buddy changed his mind and chose a grizzly bear. Does Buddy think there was a grizzly bear in Jesus's manager?
Punky is so excited for Christmas this year. She's been so antsy to decorate our house now- I hope we can find the time for her soon!
It was a little cold to enjoy the outdoors, but the kids did spend some time outside trying to catch Grandma and Grandpa's new cats! They now have five actual farm cats that like to be petted and played with (the other four run at the sight of anyone). The kitties are so sweet. In fact, as we pulled up to the house on Wednesday night, one kitty even jumped right into the truck to check us out! Buddy has definitely fell in love with one of the kittens, "Little Guy". He's been constantly pretending to be a cat for the last two days and will only answer to "Little Guy".
We were so thankful to get to spend the long weekend with Grandpa and Grandma. We can't wait until Christmas!
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