Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Big Girl Bed

Last week we finally rearranged the kids' room and got Punky into her new big girl bed.  Here is a before shot with the crib, toddler bed and dresser in their room.


We were hoping to relocate most of Punky's dolls when switching to a big girl bed because she had no room to sleep.  It didn't happen, but she now has a lot more room.

We temporarily moved the toddler bed to the garage and set up Auntie Amber's twin bed from when she was a girl.  Derek and I cleared out the room while Punky and Buddy watched nearby and "helped."  All of a sudden, poor little Punky broke out into tears.  She thought by getting a big girl bed we were taking away all of her things.  It took us a few minutes to convince her that all of her toys, pictures on the wall, etc. would be coming back into the room.  It must've been really confusing to her to see all of her stuff get emptied out so quickly!


Punky was excited to put toys and other things in the drawers.  I moved a bunch of baby items from the closet and stuck them deep into the cubby.  Gotta love extra storage!

After we got the room all set up, Punky made sure that we switched the big "L" and "C" around because there was no way she was going to sleep under the "C"!  With the new layout of the room, we lost wall space for the cross-stitch pictures Grandma Debbie made when the kids were babies.  However, we promised Buddy he could move into the toddler bed when he turned 3 in 6 months, so the cross-stitch pictures will eventually hang in their original spots in about 6 months.  We also could not fit a toy shelf that held mostly stuffed animals back into the room.  I am searching for inexpensive storage options, but for now, Buddy has claimed most of the animals as his new buddies and insists on sleeping with them every night.    

A monkey, turtle pillow pet, piggy, turtle, giraffe, prairie dog, racoon, dog, turtle and a frog.

We found him sleeping while buried underneath everything last night!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Punky had so much fun with her Community-Ed gymnastics class last fall, that we decided to sign up BOTH kids this spring.

Buddy's was a little nervous prior to the first class and kept saying it would be "scary".  The class is a parent/child class, so we were able to reassure him easily.  As it turned out, Buddy lost his fear of gymnastics almost immediately.

He spent most of the entire warm-up period spinning in circles.  He was just a little bit excited.


After the warm-up, the kids followed the teachers instructions and crawled/skipped/hopped/etc. to one end of the mat and back again.  Buddy did great (especially on the bear crawl) but only ran on the way back. 

The last part of class was spent doing an obstacle course.  Buddy really enjoyed the balance beam, especially because the kids had to step over the three stuffed animals sitting on the beam.  He also enjoyed doing the log roll and was actually pretty good at it!


After Buddy's class finished, we had a 10 minute break before Punky's class started.  In the future, I am hoping that either Derek or I will be able to take Buddy home instead of trying to keep him busy during Punky's class.

Punky's class followed the same schedule as Buddy's.  Apparently, our little Punky thought she was quite the gymnastics expert because every time the teacher explained a jump, skip, or hop Punky would shout out that she knew how to do that (which wasn't always the case). 


She's got some practicing to do on her skipping and hopping, but she really had fun doing it all! 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter

The week before Easter Sunday was Punky's Spring Break from preschool. Although we didn't have any big plans, we definitely did not plan on spending the ENTIRE week at home with sick kids. A trip to the doctor confirmed that unfortunately they both had a nasty virus that we just would have to wait out. Punky was sick for 4 or 5 days, and was also worn out and tired for the next few days after. Buddy only appeared to be sick for 2 days, but I think he was not feeling his best for longer. He just doesn't ever slow down, so it is hard to know with him.

Thursday night everyone felt a little better, so we spent the night re-celebrating Daddy's birthday with cake and candles. We also dyed Easter eggs.


Buddy totally crushed that egg!

Luckily, the kids seemed to be feeling better on Friday in time for us to head to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We got to town late and the kids stayed up well past bedtime. In the morning, we headed to an Easter Egg hunt at the nursing home where Great Great Grandma Irene lives. Punky is quite lucky at this Easter Egg hunt. Three years ago, she won a tricycle. Two years ago, she won a toy. And this year, she was a winner again (the first name called, actually!). She marched right to the front of the crowd when her name was called and wasn't scared at all. She won a bubble gun. Buddy also won a prize (Chutes and Ladders). After the Egg hunt, we spent some more time with Great Great Grandma before heading back to Grandma's for lunch.


When we got home, we noticed Punky was really hot and wasn't feeling well. She spent the afternoon on the couch and her temp rose to over 103. We had an early reservation at Budger's for dinner that night and after some debate, Punky came with us. As soon as we got back at 7pm though, Punky went straight to bed.

Punky slept well that night (even though Buddy fell out of the bed in the middle of the night) and woke up in time for church. When we got home from church, Punky started looking out of the truck windows looking for Easter eggs. She was expecting to have an Easter egg hunt outside, but with snow still on the ground, I told her the Easter bunny only left her a basket.

Sunglasses and a guitar in the Easter Basket

Ray Charles?
We had a delicious dinner with family followed by dessert, visiting and Old Maid. We stayed way too late and didn't get home until 9pm! We hauled home Auntie's old twin bed from when she was a little girl, so hopefully soon I'll be able to post photos of Punky's new big girl bed!