Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Punky's Party

Punky's actual birthday on Friday was an uneventful day. I had to work, so the kids were at daycare. Punky was surprised with birthday presents and McDonalds at daycare, so that made the day better since we didn't actually do anything special at home. Supper waiting for us in the crockpot and an early bedtime were necessary for the next day to go smoothly.

We had family over on Saturday to celebrate Punky's birthday. Grandpa Max and Grandma Debbie came the night before and helped me prepare. All of Derek's family was able to attend, so that was nice.

Punky got a lot of nice presents including a sweater for Lainey that Grandma Trudi knit, a flipeez hat, and the Headbanz game. Punky is starting to get the hang of the game, but it is pretty tricky for her. It was tricky for all of us, actually! Buddy was terrible at Headbanz. He literally walked up to Hilary stared at her forehead and said "Mom, I want popcorn. Can we have popcorn for bedsnack?" Can you guess what her card was?

We kept the party low key. We chatted, played with new toys and sang Happy Birthday. The grandpas fell asleep on the couch.

We've got another birthday party with Punky's friends planned for next weekend! What a lucky girl!

I bought a new lens with some Christmas money and I love it! Look at these two cuties and the smooth/creamy/blurry background! I can't wait to get the kids outside and really take some photos!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Daddy and I have had a difficult night tonight coming to terms with our little girl turning five. Five years old is such a huge milestone. There are many exciting (and scary) milestones set to happen this year.

So what do I want to remember about Punky at five years old?

She is smart. I am sure all parents say this about their kids, but she amazes us every day. She is definitely a reader. Like she doesn't even have to sound words out, she just knows them all. She is beginning to show an interest in math and enjoys us quizzing her with addition problems. I will say that her eagerness and readiness for school is going to make the transition to kindergarten so much easier for me. Because I know she is ready for school and will excel, I don't think I'll be so sad to send her off on that big yellow school bus this fall.

She likes to play pretend. With friends, dress-up continues to be a favorite. But at home, she is all about setting up stores or pet adoptions. She likes to play by herself at times and will play quietly in her room with her new My Little Pony castle.

She loves games. Every day she asks to go on the computer to pbskids or disneyjunior or nickjr. The "little computer" is a close second and man is she good at Minion Rush. She is always willing to play a board game or card game if I ask (because face it I would much rather play Don't Break the Ice or Old Maid than pretend pet store). I don't see much drive or ambition when it comes to sports or the dance class she's in now, but maybe that'll come later.

She is a good helper and a great friend. I am really excited to see her blossom next year in kindergarten!

Punky, even though Daddy and I have been teasing you and saying you need to stay four for another year, we are so excited for you to turn five. The past five years has really flown by. We wish you could stay little forever. I know I sound old saying that... some day you'll understand.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


After what felt like two weeks of below zero temperatures, we finally had a beautiful winter day.  We took advantage of the 30 degree weather and took the kids sledding.

I am having a serious case of writer's block with the blog (blog block?), so the next few months of posts will most likely be more picture heavy.  No one wants to hear me talk anyway, right?  You all came here to see my cute kids.  ;)

Thursday, January 2, 2014


We were lucky enough to get to spend 5 days at my parent's house for our family's Christmas celebration. Spending a big chunk of time like that together definitely does not happen much anymore, so I am so thankful that we were able to all make it work.

Of course, on Saturday after getting to Grandma and Grandpa's, we had to open presents first. Punky and Buddy got a lot of fun toys (which I am still trying to find spots for at home).

The weather has been so unbelievably cold this winter. On top of the chilly temperatures, the wind at the farm is always wicked. It made going outside difficult, but we did manage to sneak out on Sunday afternoon.

There wasn't much snow and it isn't much of a hill, so Derek had to give a super big push!

Buddy didn't last too long outside because he started eating snow (face first; without using hands). He got chilly quickly, so we made our way back to the house slowly.

Derek spotted some animal (fox?) tracks in the creek.  Buddy was convinced they were from a mountain lion.... or Garfield, one of the new farm cats.

Sleep was very difficult for both kids this time at Grandma and Grandpa's. Four nights away from your own bed is hard even for adults. And Buddy had a really hard time sleeping in a new spot. He was up most nights screaming for Mama and somehow I never woke and heard him. One night Shannon got up with him after she couldn't even wake me. And one night Grandma had to chase Buddy around the upstairs as she tried to convince him that she would help him find me. Another night, Buddy found himself upstairs again and Uncle Nate helped him to find me.

I am sure all the excitement and playing with cousins added to it, but the kids were exhausted. It was no surprise then that after waking up early and going to bed late for a few days and then playing outside in the snow, Buddy fell asleep early on Monday. This was the day that we were to have our big prime rib supper because Abby was able to join us after having to work all weekend long. Poor Buddy missed last year's meal too because he fell asleep early. Maybe he'll be away in 2014?

The rest of our weekend was spent hanging out together watching movies, doing crafts, playing computer. The adults stayed up late every night playing cards and we were even able to sneak a few afternoon games in while the kids were engrossed in whatever they were doing.

Grandma taught the Hofstadters how to make kolaces (a Czech pastry).

We had fun playing beauty shop. Punky, Auntie, Leah and even Buddy and Grandpa got in on the make-overs! The first time involved make-up that Punky received as a gift. The second time involved cousin Abby's real make-up. We are going to have our hands full in 10 to 12 years!

It was a great long weekend.  I hope we'll spend many more like this in the future!