Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ice Skating

I've been wanting to take the kids ice skating all winter.  Things just haven't worked out, but I finally convinced Derek to go this weekend.  It was pretty cold, but I figured the kids would only last 10 minutes anyway, so who cares.  We drove to an outdoor rink at a park nearby and the parking lot hadn't even been plowed.  Not a good sign.  The rink was covered with snow that had just fallen a few days before.  School had been canceled the day before and the roads were dangerous and ice packed.  When we got home, I let Punky put her skates on and try ice skating in the road.  She had a ton of fun!  And like I predicted, she wanted to go in after 10 minutes.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Punky had her final birthday party this weekend at the community center's indoor playground with some of her friends. Punky originally wanted a Chuck E Cheese party. I wanted a party at Pump it Up. We debated for a few weeks and finally decided on a princess themed party at the Maple Maze. The price was right and it wasn't as crazy as Chuck E Cheese. :) Unfortunately, I booked it late and the only day available was Super Bowl Sunday. Oops. It was a week after her birthday, but it wasn't as crazy at the maze.

The first half of the party was spent playing in the maze. The kids were running around, climbing two stories high, going down slides and through tubes. I didn't get any photos of the kids playing in the maze, as I am sure you can imagine.

The second half of the party was spent in the princess-themed room. We basically sang Happy Birthday, ate cake, and opened presents. There was 10 minutes left to run back to the playground for a bit.

Her friends at the party were Amelia & Hudson (college friend's kids), Amelia & Reese (DHH friends), Sophie & Evie (BFFs), Laila & Caleb (neighbors), Sofia & Karlo (high school friend's kids) and Cooper & Piper (coworker's kids).

It was a crazy and hectic party. But Punky said she had fun, so that's all that matters, right?