Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Week 17

On Friday, Punky's elementary school hosted a carnival.  The kids have been anticipating the day for weeks.  They were so excited for a night of fun, yet they weren't entirely sure what to expect.

Sadly, on Tuesday the school nurse called me at noon and said Punky wasn't feeling well.  The second thing out of her mouth when I picked her up was, "Can I still go the carnival?"  After resting all day Tuesday and Wednesday, she was feeling better!  Little brother was a copycat all day and wanted whatever big sister had, so he had to put pjs on and watch movies all day along with Punky.  It was pretty cute how sweet they were being to one another.

The carnival turned out to be a fun night. Derek came home from work early so we could get thee right away.  We played non-stop for two hours.  Both Punky and Buddy raced from game to game, excited to see the next one.  We bumped into friends and caught a glimpse of what 6th graders are like- yikes!  We volunteered at a game station the last 45 minutes.  The kids passed out candy to the winners and told everyone the rules.  I didn't take any photos, only one video.  I sometimes wish I took more photos (especially with my nice camera) but I also enjoy being present and attentive to what the kids are doing.  Sometimes I think that is important too.  

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 16

On Friday on my way home from work, I called Derek to see if we were going to meet at Rice and Beans like we usually do.  It was a beautiful day and the kids were having fun playing outside with the neighbors, so Derek suggested that we grill hot dogs and brats and ate with the neighbors.  It was a perfect idea!  

We are so lucky and have the best neighbors.  Yes, we'd like to move soon. We could use two more bedrooms, more storage and a big yard for the kids to play in.  But when the times comes to move, it's going to be really hard to leave our neighbors. The kids have made great friends and we can count on each other to watch each other's kids.  We are looking forward to another fun summer playing outside with the neighbors!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 15

For Christmas, Granma Trudi and Grandpa Scott have Punky tickets to Frozen on Ice!  Today they spent a fun-filled afternoon together watching watching Elsa, Olaf and Sven on skates.

Derek and I were meant to spend the day together, but he ended up having to fly out of town on a business trip.  So, I spent the day mopping, wading windows and sorting through kids toys that aren't played with.  

It was so cute to hear the kids tell about the show!   Punky saw her BFFs randomly a few rows behind them and Granma saw someone from their hometown at the show with their grandchild.  Funny how that always happens! They all had the best time and made great memories together! Colin got tickets to One Dog Canoe and all six of us will go to that in May!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week 14

This week was Punky's Spring Break.  With a week off of school, I still had to work, so we had two days to fill.  We went swimming with Punky's BFFs and then out to lunch after one girl so sweetly asked if we could.  Buddy tossed his shoe to the top of the freezers at Target and we got to watch an employee retrieve it with a cherry picker thingy.  Punky had a play date with a new friend from school.  While Buddy was at nature school, Punky and I visited her very first DHH teacher and her new baby.  And we went to the movie Home one night.  It was a busy week!

Since I worked on Friday, our plan for Easter was to go to Derek's parents' house on Saturday morning.  As we were going to bed on Friday night, I realized that the Easter egg hunt we usually go to was at 9am the next morning.  No way would we be able to get up and leave by 7am!  So I spent the next hour searching online for alternate egg hunts!  Let me tell you, small towns are not so good about keeping the interweb updated on their happenings.  I finally found that there was an egg hunt in a bigger small town at 10am that was about halfway through our 2 hour drive.  Whew!

Our weekend was very nice.  Everyone from Derek's family was able to get together which was nice since we weren't all together at once over Christmas.  The kids had a few mini egg hunts in the front yard and were spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa and the Easter Bunny.