Punky's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Buddy's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 1, 2012


After attending three pre-Halloween parties, Punky and Buddy were ready for the real deal...  Trick-or-Treating!  The last two years, we have been invited over to Punky's BFFs' house for pizza and trick-or-treating.  However, as I mentioned in my last post, I had not been feeling well.  I was not getting better, so I broke down and went to urgent care in the morning.  Turns out, I have strep throat.  Since I would be contagious until after 24 hours on meds, I had to stay home from the Halloween party.  Derek took the kids over and they had a blast!  There aren't any photos to prove it, but if you could see their candy bucket, you'd believe me!

I did manage to get a few smiles before they headed out.  Grandma Debbie made Punky and Buddy's Halloween costumes this year.  They turned out even better than I ever imagined!  Thanks so much Grandma for your hard work and fun touches (Punky has been telling everyone about the sparkles on her horn!).  Buddy was so excited to be a "DI DO SAUR" and Punky loved her unicorn costume, especially since it included her favorite color, purple.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun costumes. Appears it is getting chilly as well. Good thing those are made our of fleece.
