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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Old habits die hard

Ok, I guess I just can't stay away...  But we actually did a few things the last half of Christmas break, so I want to document it.  Since this blog is for future Punky and Buddy and because I have a terrible memory.

We played Life with Punky.  I've got to stop letting her win.

Buddy got threw up at 3am one night.  He felt fine in the morning.  So who knows where that came from?

We went to a Timberwolves game on Saturday night which typically wouldn't be my idea of a fun night, but it was actually pretty fun!  Punky's friend's dad works for the Timberwolves so they hooked us up with awesome seats.  When we got to our seats, Punky asked Derek if they were going to raise the hoops.  Derek had to remind her that the players were just that tall so the hoops looked low!  The girls got to sit together and play, talk and dance.  Buddy got to howl like a wolf as much as he wanted.  The moms got to talk too.  But the Timberwolves played well the first quarter so that was fun to watch.  They kinda stunk the rest of the game and ended up losing.  The kids loved the crowd and the atmosphere of being at the game, so it was exciting.  Punky is starting basketball lessons next week- so it was also a good introduction to playing a real game. They even made it on the jumbrotron!

I need to get better at picking up my big camera and not relying on the iPhone.  But convenience wins.  Maybe I should store my camera downstairs instead of our bedroom...

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