The weather this week has been unbelievably warm. High 70s and even the 80s in March is unheard of! I keep reminding myself that it is still mid-March and it could still snow, so I am trying not to get used to the sun, sandals, and short sleeves quite yet.
We played outside pretty much the entire weekend. On Friday, we went outside a little before 4 after Buddy woke up from his nap. Neighbor kids slowly arrived home and trickled outside. We ended up playing outside until after 7 o'clock. The kids rode bicycles and played ball while the parents chatted and drank beer. It couldn't have been a better night. Saturday and Sunday were more of the same. Please Minnesota- let's have a real spring this year and no more snow!
Punky trying out the hand-me-down bike from cousin Leah. We borrowed training wheels from the neighbor, but they didn't quite reach the ground. It's a little too big but will probably work good next year. |
Buddy LOVES the motorized Mickey Mouse car. He can keep up with the big kids! |
The neighbor's bike fits her much better. The neighbor kid outgrew his bike and they want to give this one to Punky. We're not sure if we'll take it yet. Don't you think she should have a pink one with tassels and a basket? |
Buddy likes the bikes and cars, but still prefers to kick, throw and play with balls. |
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